AppAdvice for App Reviews and tips

If you love iOS Apps but still need more feedbacks to convince you purchase and/or download the apps then here's a site that you can go called . This site (which also has it own stand alone AppAdvice iOS app if you like to read the reviews and tips direct from your iOS device) give some extensive or reviews on some of the top iOS apps featured on the site. The reviews are also arrange by category so that you can find the app you want to read on easily. 

Tips on downloading Apps for your iOS Device

Some of us do pay the hefty price just to pay an app on iTunes and some of us do resort on jailbreaking so to download your choice of apps with paying a cent. Based on my experience, jailbreaking has been cumbersome for me since Apple always update the iOS version and there are times the iOS device that I am using showed some performance problems. This is not discourage those of you who are really into jailbreaking but to give some of you some tips about getting your choice of apps in general.

1.) If a premium or paid app has a free lite version, you should try that out before deciding on purchase the full version.

2.) If a premium or paid app has a free, ad-supported version with all the basic functionalities as with the full version and your not bothered by the ads within the app then it's better to download free version.

3.) If you are afraid to use your credit card in purchasing apps then you can use Debit cards as long as it is a VISA or a MasterCard card. Here in the Philippines, you can use Unionbank's EON card when purchasing your apps. If you have Paypal you can transfer funds from Paypal to Unionbank and use the funds on purchasing the apps.

4.) Quality productivity apps like To-Do apps or Note apps are much better purchased than acquired via jailbreak methods as these app often update more than the other apps. Premium game apps on the other hand are much better acquired via jailbreak method since these users don't usually stick to one game for a long time and there will always a new trend of games coming in.

5.) Use apps like AppAdvice or BargainBin that tracks sales or price drops of other apps. These come in handy specially if there's a limited time offer on some of your favorite apps.

Neuroshima Hex! : An Post-Apocalypse RPG based Board Game

Neuroshima Hex! App for the iPhone / iPod Touch and iPad is based on a strategy board game placed in a post-apocalyptic world of Neuroshima (a Polish RPG).

Each player leads one of four armies: Borgo, Hegemonia (Hegemony), Moloch and Posterunek (Outpost). Each army deck consists of 34 tiles - soldiers, support tiles and special actions.
You win when you destroy all enemy H.Q. or your H.Q. is the least damaged one at the end.

MouseHunt Horn App

I have been playing Mousehunt for quite a long time and it never boring as the developer keeps on updating the game every now and then. Recently, a handful of Facebook games are now being ported on the the iDevice and Android devices (Farmville and Castle Age to name a few) and I was hoping that HitGrab would also follow suit o developing an App for Mousehunt since the game is not really that complicated and finally they released the Mousehunt Horn App for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Initially, I was a bit disappointed as the app has a limited functionality as it will only do the "Sound the Horn" and track the what mice your have caught for several hours. You can't change your trap setup or change your bait. You also can't change hunting locations. 

 Despite the limitations it has now, the app has a good interface an design. It would expect that Dave Vandenburg and co. can expound the functionalities at least to include functionalities like trap setup and cheese management as well as to change hunting locations.


CBS Mobile and Chillingo today announced the new mobile game based on the Emmy-nominated television series NUMB3RS is now available at the App Store. The game, now available for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, lets fans continue their passion for the show and crime solving while taking on the role of a FBI consultant tasked to bring down a sinister, criminal network in Los Angeles.


Apple unveils the iPod Touch 4th Generation

I have been ranting before that how I wish Apple could include a camera on their future versions of the iPod Touch because I'm not really into the iPhone thing and my wish came true as Apple has officially released the iPod 4th Generation which include not only one but two cameras (one on the back and in the other infront for "FaceTime" features) and more cool features like Video Recording and Game Center.

Now this would be a good time for me to save up and get this new one as soon as possible.